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Lisez-vous les manuels d'instructions ?

Submitted by pdevs on
Samedi dernier, je me suis assis pour savourer ma tasse de café fraîchement préparée, et une pensée m'a frappé comme un éclair : j'ai presque 40 ans et je n'ai commencé que récemment à lire des manuels d'instruction.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
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Expérience utilisateur

Deux choix

Submitted by pdevs on
Dans une vie antérieure, j'étais professeur de Gestion des affaires au Programme du diplôme du Baccalauréat International (IB). Je me souviens vivement qu'au début de ce cours de deux ans, j'habituais à dire à mes nouveaux étudiants.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

Un coup d'œil dans le rétroviseur (tout en se concentrant sur le pare-brise).

Submitted by pdevs on
Ces douze derniers mois ont ressemblé à un long appel Google Meet. Ils ont traîné en longueur tout en filant à toute allure. Nous vivons une époque folle. Cela justifie une petite pause pour réfléchir.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

Immortalisé dans un manuel scolaire. Mais pas n'importe lequel.

Submitted by pdevs on
Je suis très fier d'être immortalisé dans le manuel de gestion et de commerce de l'IB de Paul Hoang (3e édition, IBID Press). Tout le monde se précipite dans la librairie la plus proche et achète tous les exemplaires en stock ! Je suis dans l'unité 3.7

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

Dormez mieux, avec des données sécurisées.

Submitted by pdevs on
Ce n'est un secret pour personne qu'il existe un mythe selon lequel "le nuage n'est pas sûr". L'inconnu engendre souvent la peur et la méfiance, mais la question difficile à se poser demeure.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

Les affaires en temps de COVID-19

Submitted by pdevs on
Nous élaborons souvent des plans élaborés et réfléchis, mais la vie prend parfois des tournures inattendues - c'est ce que nous faisons dans ces situations qui façonne finalement notre succès.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

WannaCry, or WannaLearn?

Submitted by pdevs on
À moins que vous ne viviez sous un rocher (sans WiFi), vous avez certainement entendu parler de la plus grande attaque cybernétique jamais connue de l'humanité, qui continue de causer des ravages pendant que cet article est en train d'être tapé.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Fondateur et directeur général
Person Introduction
Un citoyen du monde multiculturel et multilingue. Fabrice a toujours été un geek qui aime la technologie presque autant qu'il aime les gens. Fabrice est un professionnel qui aime créer des liens significatifs avec ceux que la vie met sur son chemin. Bien qu'atteindre des objectifs avec succès reste son but principal, il s'assurera que toutes les personnes impliquées aient quelques rires en chemin. Lorsqu'il ne dirige pas Cloud Lion, il aime voyager, s'occuper de son barbecue (si le temps le permet) et passer du temps avec sa femme et ses enfants.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

WannaCry, or WannaLearn?

Submitted by pdevs on
Unless you are living under a rock (with no WiFi), you are sure to have heard about the biggest cyberattack known to mankind, which is still wreaking havoc as this article is being typed.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Alors, quelle est la SUITE?

Submitted by pdevs on
Quelle semaine ! Ma tête tourne toujours à cause de la surcharge sensorielle qu'ont atteint ces conférences de Google de plus en plus massives. Tellement de choses à partager - je vais essayer d'être concis.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

Do YOU read instruction manuals?

Submitted by pdevs on
Last Saturday I sat down to enjoy my freshly-brewed cup of coffee, and a thought hit me like a lightning bolt - I am almost 40 and I only just recently started reading instruction manuals.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

An open letter to school admins.

Submitted by pdevs on
My name is Fabrice Vanegas, I write this letter, hoping to address a situation of disquieting urgency. My intention is not to cause alarm with useless hyperbole, or to aimlessly spout pointless rhetoric. I write this to share thoughts that are close to me in the hope of causing you to reflect - and more importantly, take action. So please sit down and pour yourself a cup of coffee - this should ta

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Happiness is not real unless it is shared.

Submitted by pdevs on
It is easy to find pessimistic statistics and gloomy projections on how the vast majority of startups are doomed to be devoured by their more established competitors. These are generally true. I'm not gonna lie to you, Cloud Lion is still very much a fresh startup. Just shy of 5 months old, skeptics would suggest "Cloud Cub" as a more honest description.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Des outils technos pour un télétravail efficace - Google Hangouts Meet!

Submitted by pdevs on
Dans notre contexte actuel où de plus en plus d'employés, d'éducateurs et d'étudiants doivent travailler à distance, les technologies infonuagiques développées par Google, Zoho et Microsoft permettent plus que jamais aux entreprises et aux écoles de rester connectées et productives.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

My name is Fabrice, I'm still a ZOHOLIC!

Submitted by pdevs on
Having gone to three major ZOHOLICS events (Pleasanton, Austin and Montreal) I was ready to try something new. After enduring several weeks of -20C weather, a friend who is a Zoho Premium Partner in Colombia suggested I go to ZOHOLICS Ciudad de Mexico (last week), the decision was an easy one.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Business in times of COVID-19

Submitted by pdevs on
We often make elaborate and well thought-out plans, but life sometimes takes unexpected turns - it is what we do in these situations that ultimately shapes our success.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Zoho est-il sécurisé ? Un regard plus approfondi sur la sécurité de Zoho - et sa culture.

Submitted by pdevs on
Zho secure
Ce commentaire est souvent la première chose que beaucoup de gens disent lorsque le sujet de Zoho est abordé. En général, cette remarque est suivie de commentaires méprisants ou condescendants insinuant que le lauréat des prix Business Choice 2019 et Editor's Choice 2019 de PC Mag devrait être ignoré simplement en raison de son origine.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur

So, what's NEXT?

Submitted by pdevs on
What a week! My head is still spinning from the sensory overload that these increasingly-massive Google conferences have become. So much to share - I will try be concise.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Technological tools for efficient telecommuting - Google Hangouts Meet!

Submitted by pdevs on
In our current context, where more and more employees, educators, and students need to work remotely, cloud technologies developed by Google, Zoho, and Microsoft enable businesses and schools to stay connected and productive more than ever before.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

A glance in the rearview mirror (while focusing on the windshield).

Submitted by pdevs on
These last twelve months have felt like one long Google Meet call. Simultaneously dragging on while flying by. Crazy times we're living in. This warrants a quick pause to reflect.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
User Experience

Quand LinkedIn vous demande au sujet de Zoho.

Submitted by pdevs on
Zoho vous permet d'unifier votre ensemble d'outils informatiques sous un même toit. J'ai la chance de travailler étroitement avec des centaines d'entreprises et de voir comment elles fonctionnent en interne.

Fabrice Vanegas, MEd.

Submitted by pdevs on
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Person Introduction
A multi-cultural, multi-lingual citizen of the world. Fabrice has always been a geek who loves technology almost as much as he loves people. Fabrice is a professional who enjoys making meaningful connections with those life puts in his path. while reaching objectives successfully remains his primary goal, he will ensure everyone involved has a few laughs along the way. When not fearlessly leading Cloud Lion, he enjoys travelling, manning his BBQ grill (weather permitting) and spending time with his wife and kid.
Relation Tags
Expérience utilisateur
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